The Difference that Waw Makes – 2 Views of Surat Al-Kawthar 108


A few years ago I published this analysis of Surat Al-Kawthar 108. Surprisingly, I just ran into the same sura analyzed on YouTube in an entirely different way with amazing results!

This video is by Binimad Al-‘Ateeki, who’s done some pretty impressive numerical miracle videos on the Quran, among other things. What’s interesting here is that his video shows us the same sura with some amazing results involving the number ten. Whereas I got what I thought were pretty fascinating results involving the number nine! So how did this happen?

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The Quran’s Astronomical Accuracy in One Small Detail, and More


The Bible, The Quran and Science, by Maurice Bucaille (Seghers, 1976), a French physician, famously correlates a number of significant and relatively recent scientific discoveries with the Quran’s text. It spawned a great deal of interest, leading to people finding many similar correlations. While recently rereading it, I found mention of the distance of the sun from our galactic center at the time of the book’s writing. It was in reference to an aya (31:29) which states “He has subjected the sun and the moon, each orbiting for an appointed term,” which corresponds to the orbit of the sun around the center of our galaxy, a detail that was unknown even long after the Quran was sent. Note that such correspondences are not intended to “prove” a scientific fact but rather to show Allah’s power and knowledge as Creator. Being curious, I looked up the most recent and accurate estimate of that distance and discovered a fascinating connection.

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Videos on the Wisdom of the Quran and the Destruction of Israel’s PR War on Truth


Looking at videos on various platforms, I’ve found some that bring quite insightful studies and interpretations of the Quran from “ordinary people,” even new converts/reverts. Here’s one, whose interpretation of Surat Al-Nahl (the Bee), after studying an amazing book on the subject of bees, is quite impressive:

Many of those videos are from people who were so impressed by Palestinians’ faith, endurance, and patience through unimaginable horrors and suffering, that they were moved to read the Quran and find out about Islam. This video by CJ Werleman gives us an overview of this phenomenon as well as the consequences for Israel of their genocide.

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Was Prophet Mohammad Illiterate?


The generally accepted idea in Islam is that Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) could not read or write. However, there is serious discussion among both independent and more traditional scholars as to whether the Arabic word ummi means instead “unlearned in Divine scripture,” or “gentile,” which also implies lacking knowledge of scripture, i.e., Divine revelations sent prior to the Quran. The argument really isn’t immediately clear from the word ummi in particular until one examines it more closely, but rather this one quite striking aya:

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Is the Quran’s Structure Based on Allah’s Name?


This is a very real possibility, which I began to examine while thinking that possibly all numbers somehow relate to or are reflective of Allah’s name. That seems way beyond my limited mathematical abilities – yet after studying the Quran in details, I ran into a simple pattern expressed in two ayat, 4:3 (itself a {3,4} set) and 35:1, as “two and three and four,” essentially a {2,3,4} set, which in turn reflects the {3,4} set, as expressed in Allah’s name. I’ve discussed this {3,4} set previously as well as how Allah “wrote mercy upon Himself” (6:12 and 6:54). Here finally is a post that covers this topic.

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Historical Fact in Quran No One Could Have Known Until Recently


Dr. Louay Fatoohi explains in detail the historical reasons why the Pharaoh (in one aya, his “chiefs”) in the story of Moses (and he tells us exactly which Pharaoh this is most likely to be) in the Quran kept saying that Moses was conspiring to drive them from their land, per 7:109-110 (his chiefs), 7:123, 20:57 and 20:63 (latter 3 spoken by Pharaoh). He goes through the scholars’ explanations and why they are unsatisfactory, then the archaeological and other evidence that explains why this was actually an important and plausible fear in their minds. And how that information was known only recently; this question and other elements of this particular story in the Quran is not addressed in the Bible, making it a clear sign of information that only Allah could have known at the time of Mohammad (pbuh).

The Significance and Power of 100 in the Quran


The number 100 is mentioned in the Quran 10 times in 7 verses. Its meaning therein, according to its usage, is shown in the following verses to have a celestial value that augments that which it “touches” in some way. For each verse, I point out the number of mentions of the word “hundred” itself, the value of “hundred(s)” in context of the verse’s meaning or simply its mentions, and the overall count of the numbers in each verse as a separate category. Also discussed are additional relevant (or interesting) details. The overall counts can show us additional information regarding the celestial value of certain numbers and how they are presented in the Quran, applicable to other verses and number combinations as well. 

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The Quran Constant, a Divine Math-based Text Security System


Extensive studies have been made regarding mathematical miracles, text-number relationships or elements, numerological patterns, structural details, and other aspects of the Quran, but none of these I’ve read is like this article regarding the Quran Constant by Dr. Khaled M. S. Faqih (a professor at Al al-Bayt University in Jordan) in the Journal of Arts and Humanities, which can also be downloaded as a pdf. Essentially, the Quran Constant QC is a number which is key to preserving the text of the Quran from any distortion whatsoever. The author’s expertise in systems analysis gives him the sophisticated mathematics understanding to develop such a constant using the Uthmani manuscript, which is both authenticated (in close relationship to the Birmingham Manuscript) and has been extensively analyzed by a team under the guidance of Dr. Al-Kaheel from which studies the numbers used were derived. Below is a summarizing description of the constant, its major perimeters, and what it does. It is nothing short of miraculous.

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Quran Violates Zipf’s Law, Unlike Any Human-Authored Book

Quran written on Chinese paper.

For those who need scientific evidence that the Quran comes from Allah — whose signature is at the top of this evidence — look no further than the law that applies to ALL human languages and books: Zipf’s Law, which “states that given a large sample of words used, the frequency of any word is inversely proportional to its rank in the frequency table. So word number n has a frequency proportional to 1/n.” In other words, if the first word is used 100 times, the second word should be used half that many or 50 times, the third word a third as many times or 33.3 times, etc. (See the amazing video at the bottom of this page to learn how pervasive in all human language this law is. But the producers of that video did not know about the Quran…yet.)

The “large sample” could be a book, such as Moby Dick or the Bible, or all of Wikipedia. All of these follow Zipf’s Law. In fact, all languages follow Zipf’s law. But the Quran does not! Not only that, but Allah the Omniscient Almighty embedded the reason the Quran does not follow Zipf’s law in the actual word rankings compiled from its text: min Allah – which means “from Allah.” He literally signed the results!

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Evidence of Quranic Architecture as Divinely Ordained


As explained in my Quranic Architecture page as well as Quranic Architecture Summary post, this site presents an entirely new vision of the Quran’s arrangement (order of surahs) and organization (from mid-life in time to edges-of-life closer to timelessness) as forming a spiral correlated to the shape of a chambered nautilus shell, where each surah fits into a separate chamber, naturally descending in size from outer to inner with the final Surah Al-Nass – people – in the center. It shows how the Quran’s message is not randomly arranged but rather forms a surprisingly precise fit in what has become known as an especially beautiful example of sacred geometry found in nature. The discovery of the Birmingham Manuscript pictured above, showing chapter divisions clearly marked and radiocarbon dated to the period of prophet Mohammad’s lifetime, provides physical evidence that this precise arrangement of surahs was indeed sent by Allah the Exalted with the text itself, described with more proofs below.

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