Index of Posts


If you don’t find a post or subject you’re looking for here, there is a search function on the left of the main page toward the bottom, and it works! Also check the list of categories and tags for specific topics. This is not a comprehensive list.

The subject of this blog is illustrated below: a complete symbolic Quranic structural design in which all Quranic suras (“chapters” or sections, each like a “chamber”) fit in a spiral that accommodates their descending size. it was inspired by the Quran itself, and provides a deeper understanding of the book on multiple levels and perspectives. All blog posts focusing mainly on this subject are listed on the page below:

Comprehensive posts on Quranic Architecture are all here: Quranic Architecture: 114 Chambers Explained.

The Quran’s Structure in a Single Image like a Nautilus Shell

A hand-drawn (using a ruler and compass) spiral with 9.5 “turns” shows how the 114 surahs’ descending size fits into the design. Each full cycle contains 12 surahs. On the perimeter of the circle are the Hijri names, Zodiac constellation names, and “House” (“pie section”) numbers. With each surah as a symbolic month and each cycle a year, it also becomes a calendar showing us “a time for every purpose under heaven.” The Arabic letters are Quranic Initials (Muqatta’at), showing their location in the design. Each “chamber”/sura is numbered as shown above.

Quranic Architecture in Islam, Nature, and Ourselves, a discussion of signs in Islam, the Hereafter as described in the Quran, the nautilus shell, and all around us.

Is the Quran’s Structure Based on Allah’s Name? A post that explains how Allah’s name in Arabic is reflected in the Basmalah, the order of words as they appear in the Quran, how the last three suras connect to the first to form a set, and examples of how these form a {3,4} and {2,3,4} set pattern found in examples throughout the Quran.

New section for posts on Palestine Issues are farther down. If interested, scroll until you see the headline. Posts listed chronologically.

Recent Posts of Note

Isa/Jesus and Maryam in the Quran, their Names and Message – studying the mentions of Jesus and his mother Maryam, including placements in the Quranic architectural chart, and what this reveals about their message on faith, why Jesus is called Word, how Maryam suffered, and more.

Mentions of Ships in the Quran Reveal Amazing Connections – NEW! SHIP GRAPHIC (scroll down to section on ship graphic!) studying the Quranic mentions of ships using the Quranic Architecture chart reveals the connection between Noah’s Ark/ship and the Quran, between these mentions of ships and the Quranic Initials (Muqatta’at) and what that means, and gives us an amazing graphic of Allah’s gift of buoyancy using the classic “elements” connecting it all to the nautilus design in sacred geometry, another sign from Allah.

Some thoughts on Free Will, Faith, and Allah’s Wisdom – answering such issues as the problem of evil; asking do we have free will and how does that allow Allah to have control over all things; and what is the nature of time, the Hereafter, and Judgment Day.

Light and Darknesses in the Quran – the meaningful ways in which Allah presents light and darknesses in the Quran as a highly significant duality, essential for us to know. In the Quran, “Darknesses” is always plural, whereas light is singular. As always, its application is both relevant and a beautiful guide to living.

Amazing Link Between First Revelation and Laylatul Qadr – The first five ayat revealed show a connection to Surat Al-Qadr and more.

Wives, Angels’ Wings, and the {2,3,4} Set in the Quran – Finding meaningful connections between two unusual, somewhat perplexing, ayat that mention these numbers 2, 3, and 4 in the same exact way. What is the significance of these numbers in the context of each aya, and in Quranic structure?

The Four Great Surahs of Salat – how the last three suras of the Quran connect to the first, how that forms part of a significant pattern in the Quran’s basic structure, and how this contributes to its meaning.

Raheem and Al-Raheem in the Quran, a Structural Interpretation – These names are often considered as if the same, but the Al- prefix on Al-Raheem gives it significance in relationship to the name Al-Rahman, and more. Both expressions of Allah’s mercy are used in distinct ways that highlights how His mercy is both all-encompassing, and powered by and and made perfectly just (not given out randomly) by His Omnipotence.

The Meaning and Significance of the Quran’s Mentions of the Moon – Some surprising results in this study of how lunar cycles and their numbers may be key to both meaning and more, such as the Muqatta’at, in the Quran, plus an interpretation of two unusual mentions of the moon. Most lunar counts only include the word qamar – the standard word for “moon.” Here is included the word for “new moons,” plural of hilal, and also another “wild card” mention of the word for “full moon” referring to something else. Updated from previous post, including corrections in the math.

What are the Sacred Months in Islam, and What Is their Significance? Going beyond a list and advice as to which practices to increase, the depth of meaning and value of these months is explored, as well as their benefits to all humankind.

Allah’s Infinite Justice – Comparing justice in the Quran with Christian and Jewish beliefs, showing how justice is portrayed, in the history of religions and ideologies, affects how we view justice today. Even how the creation of Adam is portrayed can have “side effects.” How the Quran affirms that mercy is the highest form of justice, but that accountability is its bedrock.

Placements of the Name Al-Rahman and their Meaning – Using the placements of this name on the nautilus shell architectural chart, we discover a relationship between this great name and the sacred months. Also comparing placements in the “celestial” vs “lower” dunya hemisphere reveals results that “match” that of the sacred months. All these results give depth of meaning to our understanding of this name.

The Name Al-Rahman and Its Significance in the Quran – Astounding facts about this great name, its interpretation, and why it is so important in the Quran.

Perfect Numbers and the Name Al-Rahman – an ancient contribution to number theory helps elucidate spectacular number counts for mentions of the name Al-Rahman. Plus ideas regarding interpretation of Quranic numbers.

The Quran’s Words for Thinking and States of Mind – how the Quran distinguishes between the many different ways people “think,” and how this helps us tell the difference between those who understand and those who “think” by using others’ opinions indiscriminately. As well as how knowing these modes of thinking help us to make better and more balanced decisions.

Divine vs Worldly Compound Interest and How Loans Are Weaponized, showing us the vast difference in returns on investments when you invest in Allah’s way (charity, work toward justice, defending the oppressed) compared with worldly investments (to make money). This post also describes how usury is evil: usurious loans create injustice, both social and economic. And in the case of organized usury against whole countries (often posing as charity!), the damage and human toll is immense, proof that any interest on loans (given by the wealthy) is rightfully called evil.

The Meaningful Universe Series: Part 1 Interconnection with Purpose – Allah created us with purpose and imbued all creation with meaning as well; our disconnect from purpose is tied to the worldview that everything is random. We explore how the Quran guides us to reconnect to the Source of of this highly interconnected universe to live a fulfilling, meaningful life, even in this dystopian moment when “the center cannot hold.” Part 2 Thinking from the Heart – How we use our minds is a focus of the Quran, which links the mind to the heart, a key to making meaningful connections. Part 3 Dhikr and Memory as ConnectionDhikr, which means to invoke and bring to mind/remember, is key to understanding truth and justice, as well as bringing humanity together in peace through dhikr Allah.

How to Distinguish Good from Evil, an in-depth look at how to apply Allah’s wisdom in these disinformation-heavy times. The Quran guides us in clear unmistakable ways through the maze of lies and misdirection of the modern world.

What Does the Quran Say about Jesus’ Second Coming and the Anti-Christ? (In Arabic, Anti-Christ is called Masih Al-Dajjal.) An in-depth examination of these two Biblical ideas and their description in hadiths compared with the truth presented in the Quran, and the implications of both in our understanding of Islam.

Islam Is Not a Club, about how faith is not inherited but attained by effort and practice, and how we must also teach the Quran, not only use it as a tool for dawah, then present only hadith-based rules once the shahada has been witnessed.

The 40 Statements of Tawheed in the Quran. An amazing example of the {3,4} set confirmed in the Quran itself.

The Seen and the Unseen in Details, the separate realities of Allah’s celestial realm and this world, as well as other worlds such as those of the jinn, are discussed, focusing on how they are kept separate and their relationship to the Finality, Al-Akhira.

The Quran Violates Zipf’s Law, unlike any human-authored book. And also in the very frequency of its words, gives us a message!

Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” and Allah’s Message in the Quran – finding common ground between the message of “Ode to Joy” and the Quran – both Beethoven’s 9th Symphony with its final chorus setting the “Ode” to music, and the poem itself. This comparison in turn teaches us how to value the Quran’s message in our own lives and how we apply its message.

Prophet Mohammad Was the First Anti-Racist, as affirmed by a Muslim-friendly Christian. Video included.

Salat In the Heart of the Quran, a Graphic of How the End of the Quran Connects to the Beginning, and how this forms a prayer, dhikr Allah, and His glorious name. With downloadable PDF graphic.

Evidence the Quran We Read Now Is the Original, including the arrangement of surahs and other details important to this study of its architecture. We discuss the Birmingham Manuscript and other evidence.

Analysis of Quranic Surahs (In Numerical Order)

1Ring Composition in the Quran: Al-Fatiha, Using “ring composition” to analyze Surat Al-Fatiha, revealing both a symbolic cosmology of faith and proof the Bismallah is the first aya of this Surah.

1-Al-Fatiha: The Blueprint, how we can also view Al-Fatiha from the ”blueprint” of salat in its culmination at sujud — prostration — each aya corresponding to a different ”bone” touching the ground — bringing the depth of meaning from each (Al-Fatiha and sujud) to the other.

9-Why Is There No Basmalah on Surah 9 Al-Tawba?

92-Sura 92 Al-Layl’s Beautiful Structure and Meaning – Analysis of this surah’s unique structure and how that structure exemplifies and clarifies the meaning, a “cosmology” of human actions and their consequences, and the best outcome for those who are appreciative and trust in what is good and beautiful.

92-Sura 92 Word and Letter Counts Bring Surprising Revelations – Detailed analysis shows how precise this sura is in expressing its meaning even in word and letter counts, amazingly. I analyzed these two aspects separately for the same sura, so complex were their interrelationships, but it is worth reading both and comparing them for the full effect and indeed miraculous depth of this sura.

94Ring Composition of Surah 94 Al-Sharh, showing Allah’s mercy and assurance of relief.

95Surah 95 Al-Tin “The Fig”

97Surat Al-Qadr 97, Night of Celestial Power – Uncovering some of the secrets of this amazing sura and its truly celestial power.

96Surah Al-‘Alaq “The Clot”, Analyzes this surah’s ring composition and repeated words as a “power structure” that also uses sound as a way of drawing our attention to what matters most. Includes a beautiful recitation of the surah.

98Surah 98 Al-Bayyinah “The Evidence”

99Surah 99 Al-Zalzala, the Quake, a close study of this sura and its meaning, culminating in the balance scales. What this sura reveals can also be found in surat Al-Qari’a 101 in meaningful word and letter counts.

100Surah 100 Al-‘Adiyat “Worldly Pursuit”

101Surat Al-Qari’a 101: The Ultimate Warning, a close study of this sura and its meaning, including amazing word and letter counts’ relationship to that meaning, especially in the “balance scales.”

103Surah 103 Al-‘Asr “Time”

104Surat Al-Humaza 104, this sura has many surprises and is especially relevant to the modern world and what needs to be done for a better future than the current state of misery.

105Surat Al-Fīl 105, Then and Now: includes variations in interpretation, its relationship to sura 106, Nouman Ali Khan video on the subject, and a modern-day “Party of the Elephant” compared to the original.

106Surat Al-Quraish 106, discussing what the Quraish had developed of value so that, despite their idolatry, the final prophet Mohammad was born among them and sent to them.

107Surat Al-Ma’un 107: the Importance of Being Kind, answers such questions as why does Allah say ”Woe to those who pray” and what is the meaning of this sura.

108Surat Al-Kawthar 108: Can You Produce a Surah Like It? Much power and profound meaning packed into this shortest surah in the Quran.

109Analysis of Surah 109 Al-Kafiroon, showing the futility of denial.

110Surat Al-Nasr: Victory Then, Now, and Hereafter, The meaning of Surat Al-Nasr 110, which seems very simple, is also an example of how Muslims as an Ummah or community can succeed. 

111Ring Composition and Analysis of Surah 111 Al-Masad: Revealing shocking details of this powerful surah and why it precedes the most beautiful and contrasting surah 112 Al-Ikhlass.

112Surah 112 Al-Ikhlas: Our Creator, with Dazzling Details: Analysis of the essential surah of tawheed or Allah’s Oneness, which also embeds how Allah the Exalted creates with a word, as well as details about the genetic code, further showing us how He is in a category entirely by Himself.

113Surahs Al-Falaq and Al-Nass 113 & 114: Analysis of 113 Al-Falaq, analyzing Surah 113 as part of the final pair of surahs 113 & 114.

114Surah 114 Al-Nass Analysis, part 2 of the final pair, analysis of Surah 114.

Analysis of Individual Ayat or Quranic Features

Ayat Al-Kursi Ring Composition: Analysis of the ring composition what many consider the most famous and important single aya of the Quran.

Ayat Al-Nur, Revealed in Ring Composition and Black Holes, Analyzing the famous Ayat al-Nur

The One Quranic Aya that Mentions Ramadan, Analysis of 2:185 in seven sections plus its placement on the Quranic architectural chart.

The Scales of Justice in the Quran, with Stunning Precision, an examination of the word and letter counts in mentions of the scales of justice showing a precise and meaningful pattern in all of them!

Fascinating Facts about the Basmalah, showing how Allah’s name may be, along with the Basmalah, a foundational key to the Quran.

Posts on Palestine

Inspired by Palestinians, Many Now Read the Quran, Turn to Islam – includes a number of videos on the subject plus commentary.

Lies from the Bible Used to Promote Genocide – how Zionists distorted verses from the Torah to whip up public fervor to commit genocide and ethnics cleansing of Palestinians.

In Dark Times, There Can Be Light – a khutba video about calling Muslims to action.

Tragedies of Epic Scope – how “mixing truth with falsehood” has a history of being used to justify oppression and, in modern times, atrocities, explained in the Quran, plus the enormity of the crimes Israel is perpetrating without accountability or anyone able to stop it. But Allah will not leave them.

Exposing the Genocide Club to Light – as the genocide of Palestinians increases and continues, the West’s current and previous complicity and active role in crimes against humanity is exposed.

The Almighty Will Help the Palestinians to a Manifest Victory – encouragement and a promise from Allah in the Quran.

Palestinians Represent All Humanity – how crimes against Palestinians reflect similar crimes and oppression against many, both in the past, the present, and if we do not learn from this, the future.

Trustworthiness Needs Accountability; What Is a Mu’min? – A deeper understanding of what this Arabic word means highlights how accountability is the basis of trustworthiness, and what this means in Islam, belief in the Hereafter presided over in justice by Allah/God alone, and all life on earth.

Message to Palestine: You are Stronger and Allah Is with You – includes an inspiring khutba (video) by Dr. Omar Suleiman.

The Seven Creation of Adam (COA) Narratives

The headline above is a link to all seven COA narratives on a separate page.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Meaning of “Heart” in the Quran, and its significance for all of us. One of my more poetic posts, goes into detail on a subject important to understanding the purpose for religion itself.

The Quran Does Not Condone Wife-Beating: Mistranslation Alert, Analyzing How Interpreters Got It Wrong

For those who are unfamiliar with either the Quran or the Bible, and/or want to know the difference: The Difference Between the Quran and the Bible

The Quran’s Rules to Live By, a comprehensive list of the best way to live and act in Islam as presented in the Quran.

What Is Intercession and Will Prophet Mohammad Intercede for Muslims on Judgment Day? This is not the title of the post, but this post directly addresses this issue of intercession on Judgement Day as it is presented in the Quran and relating to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).

The Quran and Allah’s Unlimited Knowledge: Here we dig deeper into what it means for Allah to be Omniscient, with examples from advanced mathematics.

No Stoning to Death Punishment In the Quran, and not in Islam, per respected scholar.

Allah’s Names and their Meanings

The Name Allah and its Structural Magnificence: An examination of the name Allah in Arabic, and what is lost in translation.

Al-Rahman, Al-Raheem: The dynamic Pair: An examination of the two names that follow the name “Allah” in the Bismalah, their significance and meaning, connection to the concepts of Yin and Yang, and the name Al-Rahman’s true meaning and relationship to the name Al-Raheem and its adjective form, explained in the Quran’s amazing details.

Allah’s Name: Heartbeat of the Cosmos: A more recent elucidation of Allah’s name, focusing on how it forms a metaphor for the heart, and its profound meaning for us.

The Powerful Statement Embedded in the Bismalah: The Quran tells us that Allah decreed upon Himself the attribute of mercy exemplified in the name Al-Raheem. This post shows us how He embedded this, literally written, in the Bismalah.

Tawheed and Monotheism:

A Closer Look at lā ilāha illā Allāh gives an example of close analysis of a single statement.

Prayer: Connecting to Allah:

The Difference between Salat and Du’a, The significance and meaning of prayer in Islam, and the difference between Salat (sometimes spelled “salah”), the “formal” Islamic prayer, and du’a or “supplication”, whose meaning is the same as “prayer” in English.

Salat: Our Connection to Allah and More, discussing what is the purpose of salat and what is meant by to sall’a-nabi, to ask Allah to bless the prophet Mohammad, and how the Arabic word salat is a 2-way Connection.

Why Is Thikr Allah Greater than Salat? Discovering the answer to this question brings greater meaning to both.

Salat in the Heart of the Quran, a downloadable pdf chart shows how the last three suras connect to the first, forming a “heartbeat” in the Quran itself.

Prophets and Examples of Righteous People

Did Prophet Mohammad Split the Moon? We examine the evidence in the Quran and elsewhere to see if this actually happened and what is the significance of it being his miracle or not.

In the Company of Prophets: the Raised Status of Mary in the Quran, How the Quran raises the status of women with the example of Mary/ Maryam, and how her status was raised.

The Significance of Maryam, an updated earlier post that discusses the basic idea of the above succinctly with less explanation – a shorter version.

The Quranic Story of Abraham’s Sacrifice: Its Surprising Message and Precision: The story of Ibrahim/ Abraham’s sacrifice in the Quran. Many do not understand why the father of the prophets was given the unbearable instruction to slaughter his own firstborn son. This post addresses the issue, showing the huge difference between the Quranic and Biblical/ Judaic narratives:

What can we learn about the mysterious character named (but not in the Quran) Al-Khidr whose story is told in Surah 18 Al-Kahf (The Cave)? It’s about knowledge and how Allah bestows different kinds of knowledge on different people according to their nature and needs, and the need for patience: Wisdom from the Quranic Story of Al-Khidr

The Quran Is Clear and Unambiguous, and tells us to focus on the bigger issues, to use our minds, and avoid dogmatic, rote learning so we can think for ourselves.

Compassion and Justice: Their Essential Symbiosis in Islam: Islam is often described in the West as lacking in compassion and mercy, but nothing could be farther from the truth. This post addresses that, focusing on the relationship between compassion and justice.

A Picture of Time, a Calendar, a Guide: An earlier examination in this blog of the order of Suras in the Qur’an and its relevance to the message as a whole.

The Green Quran: The Quran on the Environment

Introduction to 114 Chambers

The above is the very first post, shorter than most.

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