Prophets and Prime Numbers in the Quran


There are 25 prophets named in the Quran. And there are 25 prime numbers from 1-100. The number 100 in the Quran imparts a “celestial” value to that which it describes. Here it represents perfection/completion in the direct relationship between Allah and His prophets. 

Prime numbers are distinguished from other numbers by being in a sense “indivisible” – a prime can only be divided by itself and one – so this quality represents the prophets’ undivided loyalty to Allah/God. Like a prime number, a prophet has a dedicated relationship between himself and One, as Allah the Exalted is defined as One (112:1 “Say Allah/God is One”). The number one in mathematics is, like God, in a category alone – neither prime nor composite. So the primes represent the individual whose “essence/soul/heart” is devoted to the One. 

And the total number of times all named prophets are mentioned in the Quran is astounding and prime-related. Explained below.

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The Basmalah as Gateway to the Quran and, Symbolically, Paradise


There is no dispute that the Basmalah contains the first words one reads in the Quran, and in that sense one could consider it the gateway into the Quran. Similarly, as the “opening” to the Quran, most graphically illustrated in the “nautilus shell” architecture discussed on this site, Al-Fatiha (the first sura whose name literally means “opening”) is our point of entry into the Quran, establishing its perimeters, in particular the primacy of salat, of connecting to Allah the Exalted. But it also symbolizes the gate to paradise as is mentioned in three ayat discussed below. Because of course, the Quran is our guide to how to get through the coming catastrophe of Al-Akhira to the ultimate success that transcends the tests and suffering of our brief mortal existence. 

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Islamic Civilization Was the Source of Enlightenment


Did you know that during the Golden Age of Islam, Muslims developed and built rockets? The picture above is of one such rocket launched. Of course, they were not the same type we have now, and could not break through the earth’s gravity, but that the idea of rocket propulsion was developed in Islamic civilization is quite astounding. And this was while Christian civilization in Europe was executing thousands of women and children as witches, and censoring any knowledge or books of history, mathematics, or science disseminated throughout the Muslim world, where women founded universities, and certainly were never executed as supposed witches. The West should take notice! While they slip back into their old habits with a neo-fascist totalitarian twist, Islam is again lighting the way out of worldwide self-destruction.

This Quora post gives us a dramatic and detailed history of the Golden Age of Islam with pictures, videos, and various sources in answer to the question: “Is it true that Muslim civilization was once more civilized than the West during the dark ages?”

Many people, among them scholars and clergy who are non-Muslims, are beginning to acknowledge this fact. Is it not time then to open up the world to see the force behind that civilizing effect, despite human errors in its application, of the Quran? Indeed, people are beginning to see the difference between truth and falsehood, dogma and the more broad minded reality of Islam.

The Quran’s Arrangement Is Entirely by His Design


This may seem to be an obvious “given” any Muslim would deem true of the Quran. Yet surprisingly other ideas have made their way into “mainstream” Islamic belief. This article addresses the history of compiling and numbering the Quran, an interesting subject indeed, fleshed out here in great detail. But in the process states this: 

The order of the surahs was not based on the order the archangel Gabriel gave them to Prophet Muhammad, but on the consensus of the companions. (Emphasis mine.)

With all due respect, this is an assumption based on anecdotal and certainly non-Quranic sources that directly contradicts the Quran, a fact of which the author(s) of this article and possibly also their source(s) may not have been fully aware. Although the order of revelation differs from the final arrangement, this is by Allah’s design, and the final arrangement was given directly through Jibreel (Gabriel) to prophet Mohammad, not a decision made by sahaba after his death. Saying that it was presumes it is somehow out of Allah’s jurisdiction – while we should know that everything is in Allah’s jurisdiction.

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