Surah 96 Al-‘Alaq “The Clot”


This short sura begins with the first words of the Quran sent down to prophet Mohammad, Recite in the name of your Lord who created. Although often in studying this aya, we dwell on the word “recite,” what is really most important is in the name of your Lord who created. Notice that the first words sent are an invocation, in that sense like Al-Fatiha which begins with the Basmalah, a major invocation of Allah’s names.

Here, however, the word “bism” (in the name of) is spelled differently than in the Basmalah, with four letters باسم instead of three as in the Basmalah بسم even though the grammatical usage is the same. And here we are given the expression “Your Lord,” the relationship word for Allah—but no name, whereas in the Basmalah we are given three names. Or is indeed the expression “Lord” essentially a name? Yes, if it is properly described in some way referring to Allah: and here it is clearly described as Who created. With a fascinating set of repeated words, which give power to the presentation, a crescendo that culminates in a surprise ending. Allah the Exalted shows us the meaning and power of that relationship between our Creator and us.

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What are “Houses” in Quranic Architecture?


Since I use this term more often as the study of Quranic architecture develops, it’s important to discuss it separately. It simply refers to the “pie sections” in the spiral/circle of the Quranic architecture, and each of these pie sections or houses represents the same month of the symbolic “year” in its calendar design. Each sura within that House is like a return to the same month, but in a different year, just like one returns to January or July each year. So for example, Al-Fatiha (the Opening) is in the First House representing Muharram (Prohibition) in the Hijri calendar, which is also the New Year. All the suras in the First House are also in Muharram, the same “month:” such as Al-R’ad (Thunder) sura 13, and Al-Furqan (The Criterion), sura 25; these suras also carry some of the same relevant meanings for that House/month. Thunder is like an initiating force, thundering us into awareness of something new, electrifying (“new year”); the word furqan actually means to “break open/apart” and thus distinguish (“criterion”) between the dichotomies, such as good/bad and heaven/hell (“opening”). The final sura in the First House is Al-Kafiroon “The Disbelievers” – a fitting end for “Prohibition,” as these are the people who will be prohibited from the celestial realm of Allah in paradise.

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Divine vs. Worldly Compound Interest for Investment and How Loans are Weaponized


The subject of usury is way too large for a blog post, so first I will compare “compound interest” as it is commonly understood now to Allah’s Divine “compound interest” in the Quran, only used for investment, because Allah only gives, and show how this same principle of compound interest applied to loans (which in Islam, and other religions, is defined and prohibited as usury), is used to create monolithic income inequality, hence is the major source of the problems that result from that in the modern world, arguably even climate change.  

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Deadly Anti-Muslim Politics: a Warning to Muslims

C. J. Werleman warns that the U.S. could become like Modi’s Egypt if they help Re-elect Trump (or elect DeSantis) out of sympathy for “anti-woke” stance. Christian nationalists hate Muslims!

Many Muslims in the U.S. are concerned about the teaching of “gender fluidity” to children, to the point of subjecting them to sex-change operations prior to the age of consent, and the normalization of “gayness” as all part of a “woke” agenda. But Werleman warns Muslims that this “anti-woke” agenda is also about anti-Muslim hate because it’s part of the right-wing white evangelical Christian movement, whose adherents are both anti-black and anti-Muslim (and although often also antisemite, they are also often pro-Zionist and rabidly anti-Palestinian).

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Quran Transforms Zodiac to Signs of Ethical Path


An old blog post – “Why 114 Chambers?” – revamped and published on its original date – explains how zodiac symbolism is properly interpreted as guideposts to the Way of Allah. The post goes into brief details of each constellation’s “sign” as exemplified in the Quran, showing these placements of the suras correlate with both the Hijri months and Zodiac signs in uncanny ways that point to —> ethical behavior. For those who wish to “cut to the chase” and see what it all boils down to, the final set of principles derived from this study are shown below. Adding a reference to the discovery of an ancient Arab zodiac not mentioned in the above-linked post.

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What History Books might not tell you about Islam


The featured photo above tells you something about how much has been overlooked: the entire Golden Age of Islam. The above is just an overview about what history books left out, but there is so much more which I’ve explained elsewhere. Below are a few more details. You can also check Wikipedia and other history sites on the subject.

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How Enemies of Islam Serve their Agenda Using the Hajj against Muslims

It’s not just about profit but about oppressing Muslims and suppressing freedom of religion.

This mind-blowing video is a must-see for anyone who is Muslim and wants to freely worship Allah according to what they understand as truth. Saudi Arabia’s leadership has given exclusive control over Hajj pilgrimage booking away from independent Muslim businesses and directly to Muslim-killer Modi’s India-run agency. For profit and also because they are like-minded. Saudi leadership has also Americanized Mecca and the Hajj itself for profit and, they imagine, power. Indian Hindus and Muslims once got along and shared both peace and cultural interests until Modi radicalized Hindus to create enmity between religious groups and, as he imagines, please the West and especially Britain who colonized India using the strategy “divide and conquer,” which Modi now espouses.

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‘Abad Al-Rahman: Who Are Special to the Almighty?


This is the question answered in the ayat 25:63-77, the very end of Surat Al-Furqan, the Criterion. And here is Allah’s Book, the Quran, also referred to as Al-Furqan, the Criterion, giving us in these ayat/verses the detailed criteria required to be Al-Rahman’s chosen servants/worshipers. And the plural ‘abad is for “worshipers” in particular, people whose service is in their devotion to Him. And the name Al-Rahman focuses on His Authority, the Authority to punish or be merciful, for it is His unfathomable almighty power that empowers His mercy and love. In the videos below, Nouman Ali Khan presents a discussion of the meaning of these ayat and importantly, how to apply them to our lives. Below that I’ve listed the relevant ayat from the Quran and a brief explanation of the conclusion.

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Who “Allah Guides/ Allah Does Not Guide”


Guidance is one of the main purposes of the Quran, and Allah frequently describes what guidance is and how to receive it, how to distinguish between good and evil. These two phrases “Allah guides/ Allah does not guide” appear in the Quran 35 times – 5×7 –  in 34 ayat – a {3,4} set – 24 times in reference to whom He does not guide, and 11 times in 10 ayat referring to whom He does guide. There are correspondences between these and the narratives of the creation of Adam. For example, the verse numbers in bold below match the numbers above:

the two tests…of the central ayat (34, 35): 34 testing Iblees/Satan as well as the angels, and 35 testing Adam/Eve, the human.

The “central ayat” are two verses in the center of the ring composition of this narrative. The central theme was to test both Iblees and humanity (as the first pair). Satan/Iblees failed the test out of defiant disobedience, devoid of humility before Allah. Although Adam/Eve also disobeyed Allah, they were tricked and then forgot; they did not disobey out of arrogance but rather immediately turned to Allah in humility and shame and a desire to return to Him, unlike Satan. So Allah gave them words to ask for forgiveness and forgave them. .

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