Oldest Video of the Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca + Hajj History and benefits


Made in 1928, this video is purported to be the oldest video recording (actually is was probably film transferred to video) of the Hajj, annual pilgrimage to Mecca, also showing the preparations, travel by camel, and other aspects of what was once a much more arduous journey to the holy site. Back then you had to bring your own tents and the entire city was off-limits to non-Muslims.

The history of the Hajj (now also spelled Haj) is not only about the rituals that are performed during the annual Hajj during the month of Thul-Hajja 8-12, but also the journey to get there, which reflects the history of transportation and related development.

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A Beautiful Video Message from Mecca

He captures his discovery of the spirit of Islam in Mecca and Medina. Very moving regardless of your POV.

This video eloquently expresses the impact of being in Mecca and Medina, feeling the soul of Islam as a way of life, an attitude, a sanctuary and peace he now must take home with him to the very different materialistic West.

How Enemies of Islam Serve their Agenda Using the Hajj against Muslims

It’s not just about profit but about oppressing Muslims and suppressing freedom of religion.

This mind-blowing video is a must-see for anyone who is Muslim and wants to freely worship Allah according to what they understand as truth. Saudi Arabia’s leadership has given exclusive control over Hajj pilgrimage booking away from independent Muslim businesses and directly to Muslim-killer Modi’s India-run agency. For profit and also because they are like-minded. Saudi leadership has also Americanized Mecca and the Hajj itself for profit and, they imagine, power. Indian Hindus and Muslims once got along and shared both peace and cultural interests until Modi radicalized Hindus to create enmity between religious groups and, as he imagines, please the West and especially Britain who colonized India using the strategy “divide and conquer,” which Modi now espouses.

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The Quran’s References to the Moon and What They Mean


Most common counts of the moon in the Quran consider only the word qamar, the standard word for moon in general, mentioned 27 times, the sidereal lunar cycle count. But in the Quran are two more words related to the moon: alahilla, crescent moons, the plural of hilal; and badr, which means “full moon,” but is it used in reference to a famous battle victory, not the moon, except symbolically, which would have been understood by the Arabs at the time the Quran was sent. If we include these, the lunar mentions in the Quran increase to 29 mentions in 28 ayat (verses) and 25 suras. But if we choose not to count the Badr reference, the total would be 28 lunar mentions in 27 ayat in 25 different suras. In all three cases the numbers of mentions and ayat are “lunar numbers,” relating to cycles of the moon. Here we discuss how these mentions are arranged in the Quran and examine the ayat that use the two words different from the word qamar, showing how the word badr as symbolic refers to the apex of the moon’s luminescence as an example of how a battle victory can be a shining light or possibility for a beleaguered people, giving them patience through the “darker” or more difficult days.

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Saudi Govt Waging War on Islam Itself, Not “Extremism”

CJ Werleman gives this insightful report and what we can do about it.

Muslims often lead busy lives, in some places struggling just to survive, and for various reasons may not be aware of this. But Saudi Arabia under MBS is no longer protecting the holy sites — and apparently the regime has been working on their destruction long beforehand, according to the video above. No longer a safe place for Muslims to practice their religion. No longer interested in protecting the rights of Muslims in the world, or interested in Islam as a religion or way of life.

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