Does the Qur’an have an Overriding Principle?


After hearing so much horrific news about happenings in the Muslim world, particularly the oppressive actions of dictators who torture Innocent citizens— men, women, and children — and prevent Muslims from worshipping in mosques, as well as the slaughter of innocent civilians and destruction of their homes and lives by armies, police, and whole governments, I paced for hours in a state of unbearable rage, until the time came for salat al-asr (afternoon worship). Continue reading

How Divine Revelations Are Sent


How divine revelations are sent to humankind is very clearly elucidated in the Qur’an, and is in stark contrast to the idea of “inspiration.” It begins with the powerful and very physical “sending down,” which is only through the archangel Jibreel (Gabriel), who is also described as “shadeed al-quwa,” meaning “possessing very strong/great powers.” The human recipient of the revelation is always and only a prophet, chosen by Allah, who has certain recognizable characteristics which set him apart from most others.

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The Magnificent Name Allah: What’s in a Name?


One of the controversial points regarding Islam these days is the name Allah. People come to the idea of God with many different preconceptions, one of them being that a different name refers to a different God, which of course is true only of polytheism. But the name Allah reveals deeper meaning on closer examination than the word ”God.” Yet it also refers to what all monotheists mean when they say “God” with a capital G: the Creator of the heavens and the earth.

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Structure as Metaphor in the Qur’an


The Qur’an is usually interpreted and studied based directly on the meanings of the ayat, just as one interprets any other book. Style, appearance, frequency of occurrence of specific phrases and words, the appearance of individual letters at the beginning of some Suras (“Quranic Initials”), and even the more symbolic meaning of certain narratives, such as the lives of prophets, and “graphic” elements such as the physical appearance of letters or size of Suras, are rarely studied with an eye to discover their importance or meaning in the Qur’an. Continue reading