How to Deal with the Genocide in Palestine


The horrors of Israel’s genocide against Palestinians in Gaza and also wherever Palestinians live are unimaginably traumatic. My heart is really there daily, and it can be difficult because we are limited in what we can do, but we can and should do something. First, we can make du’as for the Palestinians who are suffering, and some suggested du’as are here. If there’s any problem accessing it, try this link, from which you should be able to download.

Second, we may need to understand how to handle the aggressive Israeli Propaganda Machine, where lobbyists and pro-genocide activists may threaten and try to either divert attention or even resort to character assassination or threats. We can go on social media to express our views, call and write to our congressmen or representatives wherever we live, as well as participate in protests. But we should be aware of how active the Israeli lobby is in the US and UK, as well as elsewhere, yet be brave enough to speak out. It helps to know how to handle arguments one may face in this situation. Professor Hatem Bazian, who has faced this propaganda head-on successfully, helps us prepare ourselves.

On Gratitude, Thanksgiving, and Islam


This Yaqeen Institute article entitled “Does Thanksgiving Make a Mockery of Gratitude?” gives us a brilliant and insightful discussion, with examples, of what gratitude is and is not, notably showing the distinct difference between how the Islamic empire grew and how European-style settler-colonial empires or projects grew. His examples include the horrors in Palestine now as well with America’s dubious relationship with the many indigenous peoples (actually nations but not organized as “modern nation-states”) whose lands the European settlers violently usurped. But he also helps us find the way forward.

We can easily see how true this is! Everything Israel accuses Hamas of doing is what Israel actually does and is continuously doing.

An article well-worth reading with historical background and some startling facts! This Smithsonian article also gives more on the more disturbing and accurate history of Thanksgiving.

Why Being a “Good Person” Is Not Enough – On the Need for Islamic Faith-Based Ethics


This article on Yaqeen Institute eloquently presents the profound truth about how ethics without a primal faith in God as Truth is not enough, leading to climate change and dysfunctional societies and more. It’s not just philosophy; it’s a matter if survival. The article is well-worth your time! A small excerpt is below:

…secular modernity—recall that the 19th century is precisely the time when Western populations began to embrace modern values—has killed the planet Earth. Even as the poor masses, including the majority of Muslims, of the world are being pressured to modernize and secularize, leading scientists and scholars are suggesting, in so many words, that the traditional, communal, and altruistic ethics they are leaving behind are necessary for humankind to survive.

Quran 30 by 30 Season 3 for Ramadan


Ramadan Mubarak! Each Ramadan, Yaqeen Institute brings us this series discussing the Quran, focusing on a different juz’ each day, which is quite a feat, so that by the end of the month listeners will have completed a study of the entire Quran. This is the third year, season 3, and it’s been thus far quite engaging, featuring a different guest each evening. Hosts Omar Suleiman and Abdullah Oduro have a nice rapport and each presentation strives to last about half an hour.

Because it is a live series, with each episode shown at 7:30 EDT, the link above is for the first episode, but there’s an arrow on that link that lists subsequent episodes too as they appear, all of which are recorded as well.

The Meaning of Allah’s Sublime Name Al-Latif

Photo by author. How easy it is for small birds to hide in trees is an example of Allah’s grace and lutf.

The meaning of some of Allah’s great names are not that obvious, and no word in English can do justice to them. Al-Latif is one such name. Often translated ”The Subtle,” this doesn’t really convey the meaning and no single English word can, because it is so much more than that. This article from the Yaqeen Institute delves into the meaning both beautifully and with clarity.

Allah’s Name Al-Samad: a Beautiful Elucidation

From Surat Al-Ikhlas 112:2 “Allah is Al-Samad”

The name Al-Samad is mentioned only once in the entire Quran, in Surat Al-Ikhlas (Sincerity) 112. Below is the link to a beautiful and very thorough explanation of its meaning, significance, roots in the Arabic language, application in our lives, and more, including an answer to the question “why is this name mentioned only once in the Quran?” To which I would also add: its placement in the Quran is also expressive of its meaning, right in the center or “heart” of the Quran. (Article below by Sheikh Mohammad Elshinawy on the Yaqeen Institute website.)

Allah’s Name As-Samad

For Ramadan: 30 by 30 Quran Series


Last year I posted this series and it is indeed a wonderful way to get the most meaning out of Ramadan, the month of fasting and repentance which also commemorates the sending down or revelation of the Quran. As a part of the Yaqeen Institute’s programs and content, in this series each night of Ramadan explores one juz’ or “section” of the Quran, of which there are 30, giving us a chance to study one section per night, completing the entire Quran in Ramadan.

Host Imam Omar Suleiman along with co-host Sheikh Abdullah Oduro have a different guest each night, all of whom have some area of expertise from which they share their insights on each juz’.

Fantastic and Meaningful Video Series for Ramadan


The Yaqeen Institute has produced a truly inspiring series of videos discussing the Quran Al-Kareem, called Quran 30, studying each day a different juz’ from the Quran via zoom. No better way to spend Ramadan, especially for English-speakers who want to understand the Arabic Quran but only know a few words in Arabic.