The Heart of Thikr Allah, Thikr Allah of the Heart


Listening to a khutba on thikr Allah today, a more comprehensive definition of thikr was brought to my attention: “anything you do to remember Allah.” Examples were salat (formal prayer connection), tasbih (glorification), du’a or supplication to Allah, acts of charity whether obligatory (zakat purification) or voluntary (sadaqa), making the Hajj pilgrimage, or even simply being honest in one’s work, or helping others in innumerable ways from thoughtful acts or greetings, bringing comfort to someone in distress, or acknowledgement of another’s point of view, or helping jump-start a car, anything really one does for no personal benefit or gain such as money but only for the sake of Allah, or out of innate charitable feelings if one is fortunate enough to have them.

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The Structural Magnificence of Allah’s Name Detailed


When we think of the name Allah (glory to His name above all), we may think of it as sacred, and look no further. But looking closer at the actual letters of His name, we discover that the Arabic name has properties and meaningful relationships beyond being a name: when analyzed, it is a name deeply imbued with meaning. Allah (glory to Him in the highest) wants us to understand as much as we are able and thus filled all creation with His signs, signs of His majesty and power, as well as Presence in our lives.
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