Wisdom from the Quranic Story of Al-Khidr

Photo by author S. Karami

The name Al-Khidr is given (not in the Quran but in other texts such as hadiths – it being useful to have a name in discussing this Quranic narrative) to the knowledgeable man whom Prophet Moosa (Moses) met under unusual circumstances, hoping to gain more knowledge from him. This is narrated in Surah Al-Kahf (the Cave) 18:60-82 starting with the arduous journey Moses and his servant undertook to reach such a man, who taught Moses that Allah gives knowledge to people according to their need to know and purpose in life.

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Characteristics of the Prophets


Narrations about the prophets are among the most important elements in the Qur’an. We shall examine the characteristics common to all prophets and some of the related themes that graphically illustrate the significance of their lives and roles as recipients of divine revelation. Examination of one of these themes and essential characteristics may blow you away.

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