The Only “Trinitarian” Verse in the Bible was “Fake” not part of the Original Greek Manuscript


The main difference between Islam and Christianity lies in the concept of Jesus’ “divinity,” which relies on the concept of the “Trinity.” Paul Williams gives us the history of how the single Biblical verse that explicitly describes the Trinity doctrine was actually manufactured to conform with church doctrine and authorities, who confronted Erasmus, who had originally produced a Bible without this verse, and demand he include it, although it wasn’t in the original Greek Bible. He refused to include it at first, but under pressure stated he would include it in a future version, but only if they found a genuine Greek translation that included it. This was in the 16th century.

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Lies Mined from the Bible Used to Promote Genocide


I’ve been in a state of dread since Israel began its declaration of “war” – a euphemism for genocide, mass murder, slaughter, sadistic systematic killing of children, women, and men – on an entire region of 2.2 million civilians, not soldiers, kept in an open-air prison surrounded by barbed wire and soldiers with shoot-to-kill orders. Easy targets for an IDF whose conscience has been excised. They are openly and with intent ethnically cleansing all Palestinians including those who have nothing to do with Hamas. Death toll: over 10,000 civilians plus journalists, doctors, and international aid workers, and of course, over 4,000 children. Israeli Zionists are atheists who use selectively interpret Biblical references to promote their war crimes to their ardently blind supporters among Christian Zionist “evangelicals,” a group with an international reach. Meanwhile the real reason for the genocide is oil off the coast of Gaza, technically belonging to the Gazan people. Israel is willing to kill or displace over 2 million human beings in an epic Holocaust for that oil. It’s all about greed and religion is merely a pretext.

This article explains exactly what this biblical reference is all about, making an arbitrary mythological connection between Palestinians and an ancient group of people long gone, and how they invoke this to lure Christians to join the Zionist genocide brigade.

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About Love, Happiness, and Islam

A very short video packed with meaning.

This short 30-second video tells us much about what Islam is and Who Allah Is. The Arabs had 14 different words for love, one of which is arguably a name for Allah. And which is more loving, to sacrifice an innocent human being in order to enable forgiveness for a supposed “original sin” that God Himself is unfairly accused of refusing to forgive? Or to have forgiven Adam/Eve on the spot after they repented, and only punish people for sins they personally committed and not for some inherited sin? Allah is the same God of Psalms 136:1-3, 5, and elsewhere, “and His mercy endures forever.” “Indeed, your Lord is vast in forgiveness.” (Quran 53:32)

The Creation of Adam Story in the Quran Explained – Ring Composition

Ring Analysis of First Creation-of-Adam Narrative

Above is a ring composition analysis of the first creation-of-Adam narrative in the Quran, which is in Surat Al-Baqara as shown. It is the first of seven such narratives, which I insha’Allah shall analyze one by one in a series of posts, comparing them to each other and showing the significance and value of multiple narratives of the same event; and how the arrangement of each of them contributes to our understanding of the meaning. This is after all a truly foundational event, answering the most basic questions of why are we here? What is the purpose of life? Why is there evil in the world? Why is there paradise and hell, and why must we die in the first place?

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The Top Ten Differences Between the Quran and the Bible


Although there are also many similarities (some of which are shown here) between the Quran and the Bible, this post highlights the differences. And they are very important differences! One wonders, would those who base their faith on one benefit from reading the other? And why are Christians so much more averse to reading even part of the Quran than Muslims are to reading part of the Bible? 

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