Hi-Tech “Islam Experience Centre” in Netherlands is a Wonderful Idea!

The symbol on the upper left-hand corner is for his Islamic Experience Center, and apparently many local

Joram van Klaveren was a far right-wing politician in the Netherlands who was also an anti-Muslim activist. But while researching for a book he was writing to expose what he thought were the evils of Islam, he discovered the truth was quite different than what it had appeared to be prior to such study, and he surprisingly converted to Islam. He developed a high-tech center to literally experience Islam in different ways, learning about its history and values, beliefs, and accomplishments. An important idea to dispel the many false narratives and myths about Islam that others would do well to emulate.

You can read his story in brief here. Now he has established a high-tech “Islamic Experience Center” using advanced technology to allow people of all backgrounds and interests to experience many aspects of Islam in unique and sophisticated ways, including virtual reality, holograms, and 8D sound.

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Islam Is Not a Club


Although this may be obvious to many, some Muslims seem to treat Islam as if it were a membership club. This is especially true when mosques become divided by nationality and culture. But also there’s a certain emphasis by many on d’awa or proselytizing Islam in order to bring as many people as possible into Islam. The problem is, what do people mean by “Islam?” If it means faith in God/Allah, the Hereafter which includes a “meeting” with Allah in an overwhelming event called Judgment Day, and acceptance of His prophets and His abiding Truth, then yes, this is indeed what the Quran endorses and tells us. But if it means joining an exclusive “club” involving other extraneous beliefs to be accepted without question,  this is not mentioned or required in the Quran. 

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