Allah’s Magnificent Name: Heartbeat of the Cosmos


One might imagine that God would choose for Himself a significant and meaningful name, but most names for God in various languages don’t have particularly meaningful qualities. But the name “Allah” in Arabic does.  Written using 3 unique letters to form a 4-letter Name, that number 4 by design matches the number of chambers in the human heart. We shall show how these letters combine visual, sonic, and functional connections to the human heart, while also exemplifying Yang/Yin attributes whose perfection is categorically unique to Allah the Exalted.

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A Closer Look at “lā ilāha illā Allāh”


lā ilāha illā Allāh
This statement of tawheed or “oneness” of Allah (monotheism) is the heart of Islam, a complete system of values, laws for their implementation, and worship/ devotion (faith) that does not claim to be a separate “religion” that came with the prophet Mohammad, but rather the very same such system (with some changes in the details but not the basic principles) sent to “al-aalameen,” “the worlds,” all people with minds, free will, and language since such people began to exist.

Jews and Christians can recognize in it the First Commandment, the basis for sacred law and faith. Other seemingly more divergent but major such systems, for example Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, also reveal common ground if viewed more closely and in greater depth.

The statement is simple:

لا أله إلا الله
lā ilāha illā allāh
“There is no god (one to be worshipped/ higher authority) but God.”

Simple, but profound. And in the original Arabic, full of signs and wonders for those who care to see…and hear.

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The Structural Magnificence of Allah’s Name Detailed


When we think of the name Allah (glory to His name above all), we may think of it as sacred, and look no further. But looking closer at the actual letters of His name, we discover that the Arabic name has properties and meaningful relationships beyond being a name: when analyzed, it is a name deeply imbued with meaning. Allah (glory to Him in the highest) wants us to understand as much as we are able and thus filled all creation with His signs, signs of His majesty and power, as well as Presence in our lives.
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The Magnificent Name Allah: What’s in a Name?


One of the controversial points regarding Islam these days is the name Allah. People come to the idea of God with many different preconceptions, one of them being that a different name refers to a different God, which of course is true only of polytheism. But the name Allah reveals deeper meaning on closer examination than the word ”God.” Yet it also refers to what all monotheists mean when they say “God” with a capital G: the Creator of the heavens and the earth.

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