The Order of Surahs in Quran


This is a question many ask, somehow puzzled as to why the Quran is not in chronological order. I have an answer for this on this blog: because the Quran is for all time, and it’s not about the history of Islam or the Quraish in the usual “just the facts” way (dates and genealogies as per the “many human hands wrote it” Bible). It conveys the Truth, and truth is immortal, timeless. Something out of vogue these days. Allah Himself is eternal, and sent us an eternal message in time. So of course the message will be eternal, timeless. Hence it’s not about chronologies and lineages – it’s about righteousness and piety in an age where money is god and banks are temples, quiet and well-funded, like places of worship. Nouman Ali Khan summarizes here why the order of the Quran now is Divinely intended, without a shadow of doubt. (You can also check out his course on the subject.)

When People Worship Their Feelings


This Nouman Ali Khan video shows us the difference between Quranic guidance and pop psychology, where people use terms like “toxic” and “narcissist” and “gaslighting” to pass judgment on others without knowledge of psychology, morality, or even common sense. The idea of “boundaries” we need to set for ourselves can become in itself a refusal to treat another person with dignity or compassion, and the idea of passing judgment on, say, “toxic parents” or “narcissistic” siblings, or label any of one’s family members or others with the popular labels is itself the opposite of what Allah the Exalted asks of us in the Quran.

Worship God alone; do not attribute divinity to others. Be good to your parents, close relatives, orphans, the needy, to close and far neighbors, close friends, stranded travelers and those whom your right hands held in trust. God does not love those who are conceited and full of pride; (4:36)

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‘Abad Al-Rahman: Who Are Special to the Almighty?


This is the question answered in the ayat 25:63-77, the very end of Surat Al-Furqan, the Criterion. And here is Allah’s Book, the Quran, also referred to as Al-Furqan, the Criterion, giving us in these ayat/verses the detailed criteria required to be Al-Rahman’s chosen servants/worshipers. And the plural ‘abad is for “worshipers” in particular, people whose service is in their devotion to Him. And the name Al-Rahman focuses on His Authority, the Authority to punish or be merciful, for it is His unfathomable almighty power that empowers His mercy and love. In the videos below, Nouman Ali Khan presents a discussion of the meaning of these ayat and importantly, how to apply them to our lives. Below that I’ve listed the relevant ayat from the Quran and a brief explanation of the conclusion.

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Excellent Video Explains “the Uphill Climb” – to be Truly a Good Person

He gives a more in-depth exploration of the same ayat I discussed yesterday 90:11-13!

Today is (for me, it may be different for WordPress lol) the 2nd of Thul-Hijja and I was just sent the above video basically discussing the very same ayat I mentioned in yesterday’s post about Juneteenth and freeing slaves. But he takes the topic in more depth, explaining the meaning of the words in ways I had not been aware of, despite studying it. But I recognized the similarity of the “uphill climb” with the “steep climb” (I had changed the static “path” to the more expressive “climb”), and was even more impressed with his explanation of the ayat that follow, explaining 90:11-20 to describe the entire message of developing mercy and concern for others. It’s well-worth listening to! If a person developed this depth of concern, then advised others to be patient (sab’r, a word he uses but didn’t translate, although the talk is in English) and compassionate toward others. Highly recommended especially at this time.

How to Contemplate the Quran


This is so important, and nobody says it like Nouman Ali Khan. We need to all engage in deeper thinking about the Quran, to truly discover its power and message. This is just a “starter,” but look for more on the “Deeper Look” section of Bayyinah Institute on YouTube.

And another video in the “Deeper Look” series relevant to the Du’a series: “where do our du’as go?”

Describes where our du’as go on a deeper level.

The Profound Meaning of Light in the Quran

Nouman Ali Khan on the meaning, power, and guidance of light, in our hearts and more

Do not miss this beautiful video which explains insightfully what the parables and ayat of light in the Quran mean in very applicable and clear terms. Not just Surat Al-Nur (the sura named “Light”) and its famous “verse of Light” but other examples in the Quran and in our lives. Especially regarding light in our hearts vs external light. Very illuminating.

Video: Ramadan as Hope, the Quran as Allah’s ”Rope”


This video gives a unique and meaningful perspective about Ramadan, starting with Adam in an exalted state so close to Allah that Allah the Exalted spoke to him, then Adam’s mistake and descent to earth, not as a punishment (that’s a Christian idea not in Islam), but to work and suffer, becoming stronger in faith and determination, to return insha’Allah (God willing) to Allah’s Presence in the promised Garden, an inheritance from Adam and a reward for patience and struggle in His path. An eloquent and beautifully-presented message from Nouman Ali Khan. He explains the name ”Iblees” (another name for Satan) as derived from the meaning “hopeless,” from which we understand that the idea that we are a ”hopeless case” to be from satanic influence, and that to think we are beyond redemption or cannot be forgiven is a trademark satanic concept. Satan’s case is indeed hopeless, and he wants us to feel we are also hopeless, whereas with Allah there is always hope. The Quran is literally the way Allah speaks to us, opening up a two-way “conversation” if we join it and speak in return: the Quran gives us words, if we are at a loss for words, but any language will do.

The Meaning and Value of Ramadan: Memorable Video


One of the most meaningful and insightful explanations of Ramadan’s purpose in every sense that I’ve ever read or heard:

Dr. Nouman Ali Khan gives a beautiful explanation of the meaning of taqwa, how fasting Ramadan helps us develop it, and Ramadan as commemoration of the highly significant historical event of the Quran being sent down to humankind to guide us from darkness into the light. Plus the importance of understanding the difference between ease and hardship, and how that relates to short-term vs long-term success, and then applying this wisdom to eternity. He explains 3 out of 5, but wow, those are so vital.

His presentation gets to the heart of the matter, transcending divisions between schools of thought, traditional vs liberal, or other divisions between Muslims’ approach to Islam and the Quran. The core meaning is truly the point of this khutba, and that is universal truth.