Allah/God is our only Ballast


Many people who think themselves modern or of a superior worldview disparage religion (although with the ongoing genocide by Israel is changing people’s outlook), and in particular disparage the “idea” of God, as if God was nothing more than an idea. Although this contradicts the narrative of Jewish faith one thinks of in the public sphere, where God is One, ineffable, and interacts with humanity in a very real and tangible way, more or less like Islam, if one examines how the rabbinical and general interpretive stream goes, it tends toward muddying the waters between human and Divine.  As per below:

God is not a static being, but a dynamic becoming. Without human participation, God remains incomplete, unrealized. It is up to us to actualize the divine potential in the world. God needs us.

As for the “dynamic,” this is very true and I’ve often argued that very point, that “God is not a static Being,” as shown in the Quran. But “becoming” can be understood as “not yet realized” whereas Allah the Exalted is completely and fully realized. The problem with this is “realized” in the next sentence in bold which uses the word “becoming” to imply an insufficiency on God’s part which humans supposedly fulfill. This is false and totally contradicts truth. God/Allah is free of need, and does not “need” us at all. The Quran repeatedly tells us this!

O mankind, you are the ones in need of Allah. Indeed, Allah is the Free of Need, the Praiseworthy. (35:15)

Indeed, Allah is our only true Ballast. Without Him, we have neither true north nor south, nor any direction whatsoever, and truth becomes an invention, something anyone can make up, a fantasy, and thus we lose both balance and direction, rendering life itself pointless and meaningless. Which is where the “modern” mindset, denying God/Allah outright, has taken us. Yet many still have their conscience, their innate Fitrah.

Exchanging Faith in God for Worldly Gain

The link above has many quotes that also confirm the moral component of Judaism in an unequivocal and universal way, such as that below. 

When you experience a strong desire to be good to all, realize that an illumination from the supernal world has come to you. … imitate the qualities of God, Who is good to all and whose compassion encompasses all His creatures. (Rav Abraham Isaac Kook, Oret Hakodesh III)

Or from Rabbi Harold Schulweis (same link as above), who spoke of “the gerunds of Godliness: healing the sick, feeding the hungry, supporting the fallen, pursuing peace, loving the neighbor.”

How far from these noble truths have the Jews in Israel descended, to the utmost depravity in violation of every commandment, except the invented ones referred to by Netanyahu in his call to genocide citing some unknown and forgotten ancient people called “Amalek.” This apparently has replaced “Thou Shalt Not Kill/ Steal/ Commit Adultery/ Bear false witness against thy neighbor/ covet thy neighbors’ wife, property, goods,” let alone the first commandment about having other gods, denying God/Allah, and replacing Him with the god of power and wealth. “To love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18) is totally trashed here. “Not to oppress the weak” has been violated thousands of thousands of times over. “Not to take revenge/ bear a grudge” in the same verse above are totally annihilated along with the Palestinians. Very specific prohibitions or commands relating to ancient peoples cannot be applied to modern people because they are—duh—different people! 

This contradicts the darker thread supposing Allah’s “need” of humanity, an idea repeatedly debunked in the Quran. Influenced by science and its religionist offshoot scientism, Judaism in particular veered off-course to the degree of denying God’s existence entirely. And of course, the Holocaust, to which much fiction has been added to magnify its practical use as a means of colonizing Palestine, here also is utilized as a way of getting rid of theology itself.

And thus the rabbinical view veered from the goal of enlightened beings striving to “be good to all,” which would have resulted in prohibiting genocide as well as the toxic, obviously fake notion of Jewish supremacy called Zionism that necessarily requires genocide to maintain. As shown above, the “embrace” of “scientific advances of modernity,” when applied to their own previous theology – “God comes first and our reasoning about Him second” – culminates in “God is dead.” According to Mordecai Kaplan, then, we can simply claim that Judaism “really” means – and so is subject to our definitions rather than a known Truth – “the faith that the world affords men an opportunity for salvation.” 

If God is not a source of power or salvation, how is it that “nature” can make “salvation” possible? And what indeed does “salvation” mean here? It has become a meaningless statement, because the term “salvation” is derived from faith in God, Who wields Judgment Day, from the consequences of which we need salvation. So if one denies God’s very existence, this renders moot the concept of Judgment Day, without a “Judge” to begin with, and this in turn renders moot the idea of accountability, despite being mentioned as important in Biblical commandments and even rabbinical teachings. Herein lies the germ of the idea that Truth is a mere concept and has no proof, thus opening the door for “opportunities” like money, power, corruption, prostitution of their own women to that end, and lying to and brainwashing their own people so they too will serve the cause of Jewish supremacy which is anathema to God’s message. 

Thus God in this view becomes “the world” which is now what “affords men an opportunity for salvation.” And thus religion means “opportunity,” which becomes what one seeks, rather than the “voice of God” now relegated to a fictitious, rejected past. Yet it is that fictitious past that Zionists use to usurp land, since morality has been reduced to opportunism. You can see where veering off-course leads to the death of conscience, killing the Fitrah, resulting in loss of balance, losing one’s ballast, tossed by the winds of satanic whispers on the ship of life until completely drowned in every whim, desire, and all destruction. 

Because they rejected God, they have no ballast, no moral compass, no concept of truth, no balance in their lives, no true satisfaction or enlightenment except the imagined “enlightenment” of delusion. To self-proclaim themselves superior and powerful and successful, even as their failures and utter depravity become obvious to the whole world, they’ve rendered themselves pariah state, humiliated as the emperor who paraded naked before the whole world, convinced by Satan that he was clothed in the finest array. 

While their victims, clothed in nothing but righteousness, deprived of water, food, and medicine for FIVE CONSECUTIVE MONTHS, still maintain their faith in Allah/God, did not lose their ballast, continue to resist and even win battles with the enemy who’s armed with billions of dollars in every weapons system imaginable, whose demise is imminent but the last to realize why are the losing Israelis. 

Because the Rothschilds’ worldview took hold, focusing on the politics of power (opportunity), using wealth to seek control of the world, and so abandoning the whole project of morality and “the good of all” to be replaced by the promotion of corruption, immorality, and spiritual degradation in others to supposedly gain power for the supposed “chosen people” whom they claim to be more fit to govern the world. Such people are chosen not by God but by Satan who found in them much responsiveness to his whisperings of evil. And wow, they went all-out on this path, believing his every lie and even exceeding his wildest dreams in arrogance and secret atrocities and conspiracies. 

And conscience be damned, as it is now in Israel, quite vociferously. Without Truth, they can only flounder, fī tughianihim y’amahūn. “Allah mocks them and prolongs them in their evil-transgression while they wander blindly.” (2:15)  And all the king’s AI, PR, and all the king’s nukes can never put Israel together again. 

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