Mind-Boggling: the Quran and the Eclipse Phenomenon


The total solar eclipse is one of the most stunning examples of Allah’s precision in creation. After discovering the amazing Metonic cycle, I looked further into the subject of eclipses, which, like the Metonic, also recur in another 19-year cycle, the draconic eclipse cycle. Given the significance of the number 19 in the Quran, I had to look further into this subject, In the Metonic cycle, the moon returns to where it started every 19 years to the day, and the draconic lunar cycle joins them on the same day, despite its different monthly and yearly counts. determined by its intersections with the ecliptic (named for eclipses), which are called nodes. It also connects to the Saros Cycle (explained in this post), which form centuries-long series of cycles used to predict eclipses forward and backward in time. Included in the Antikythera Mechanism, these predictions were done accurately for thousands of years, long before the advancements in knowledge and science we have today. And yes, there are stunning connections between all this and the Quran. So take a deep breath. There’s a lot to learn and it feels necessary to me to include many elements in one post to understand how absolutely stunning this is.

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