50,000 Mosques Demolished in 2024 as Muslim Population Increases


This is a total annihilation campaign. Most people are aware that Israel has bombed and destroyed every single mosque in Gaza, over a thousand, as well as every university, school, hospital, and dwelling. Beyond that, India’s Hindutva have waged a war on Islam, and have destroyed thousands of mosques in a deliberate hate campaign. They are openly calling for the destruction of the Grand mosque in Mecca. Will the Saudis actually defend it? They seem hardly able to do any good whatsoever. No one is sanctioning India either. China is also ethnically cleansing Islam by either demolishing mosques or transforming them into Chinese-style buildings. No word on if any worship is allowed but apparently not. Egypt’s Sisi is also on a mosque-bashing campaign as well as “cracking down” on people of faith in Egypt, literally in a war on Islam and faith.

All of these are destroying ancient and historical buildings that are part of each country’s historical narrative. It’s the 9/11-inspired free-for-all hatefest against Islam, for which we can “thank” the Mossad. If things continue, none of these destroyers will suffer any consequences until Hell in the Hereafter. But in this world?? Those in power think they’ve got eternal immunity from prosecution. Their arrogance and belligerence will face consequences. And they won’t be able to go back and “fix it.” Until then, we must do what we can to stop it!