Eid Mubarak!!


While Muslims around the world celebrate Eid Al-Adha, Gaza and Palestine are very much in Muslims’ minds and prayers. Israel has not stopped the constant bombing and Palestinians are in a state of mourning, while trying to keep up the spirits of their poor and agonized children. Israel knows no mercy, no humanity, no consideration for anything, neither international law nor the Ten Commandments. All they do is keep killing, their citizens egging on the genocidal leaders.

Eid prayers in Gaza, in the ruins of a mosque
Their mosques destroyed by Israel, Palestinians hold Eid prayers in the open air surrounded by a tent city.

Israel Respects Nothing but their Desire to Annihilate All Palestinians

Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank are marking a sombre Eid al-Adha as the Israeli military continues its deadly attacks more than eight months after the start of the war. (Al-Jazeera, June 16)

In Gaza, they pray in the rubble of bombed-out mosques or tent cities. They find a way to bring Eid food for the children and shower them with love. But many face starvation, as well as dehydration due to deprivation of potable water, a serious threat, all the while facing incessant bombing from Israel.

“Palestinians are trying to do their best, despite Israel’s ongoing aggression, to bring happiness to young children, as many of them will wake up today and celebrate Eid without their parents.”

Al-Jazeera, June 16

The Government Media Office in Gaza said in a statement late on Saturday that Israel is preventing the entry of sacrificial animals into the enclave from all crossings, preventing Palestinians from performing sacrificial rituals as part of Eid al-Adha.

The Israeli army on Sunday announced a “local, tactical pause” of military activity along a specific route from 8am until 7pm every day until further notice supposedly to allow more aid into Gaza from the Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) crossing.

It did, however, emphasise that its soldiers would continue to fight in the southern part of the enclave and that there would be “no cessation of hostilities”.

Israel also cracked down on those trying to worship in the Al-Aqsa mosque, and the IOF imposed severe restrictions on entering their own mosque, assaulting worshipers, and forcing many to pray outside. In other places such as Ramallah, they imposed arbitrary checkpoints and stopped vehicles by force, harassing Palestinians to create more misery on their holiday.

Palestinians pray Eid in front of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, where they were prohibited to enter.

At the same time, Palestinians keep up their determination and spirit under impossible circumstances, trying to create a sense of joy and hope in the children who so desperately need it. And in defiance of Israel’s desperate attempt to deny them any semblance of life, they resist, even in prayers and family life.

Eid Elsewhere

In St. Petersburg, Russia
In Indonesia
In the Netherlands
In Egypt
In Pittsburgh

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