A Small but Striking Bit of Quranic Math


While studying the relationship between the last three suras in the Quran and the first, Al-Fatiha, I did some calculations separating the prime numbers from the composite numbers in the word and letter counts with astounding results in both. I do consider these four suras as a {3,4} set of suras, where 3 suras are at the end and one is at the beginning, thus connecting the end with the beginning. Like the name Allah with its pair of “lams” in the center, these suras also form a “pair” in the center of suras Al-Falaq 113 and An-Nass 114, which scholars unanimously consider a “pair,” called Al-Mu’awwidhatayn, meaning “Verses of Refuge.” This makes the four then a {2,3,4} set, this set of numbers mentioned in 4:3 and 35:1.

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50,000 Mosques Demolished in 2024 as Muslim Population Increases


This is a total annihilation campaign. Most people are aware that Israel has bombed and destroyed every single mosque in Gaza, over a thousand, as well as every university, school, hospital, and dwelling. Beyond that, India’s Hindutva have waged a war on Islam, and have destroyed thousands of mosques in a deliberate hate campaign. They are openly calling for the destruction of the Grand mosque in Mecca. Will the Saudis actually defend it? They seem hardly able to do any good whatsoever. No one is sanctioning India either. China is also ethnically cleansing Islam by either demolishing mosques or transforming them into Chinese-style buildings. No word on if any worship is allowed but apparently not. Egypt’s Sisi is also on a mosque-bashing campaign as well as “cracking down” on people of faith in Egypt, literally in a war on Islam and faith.

All of these are destroying ancient and historical buildings that are part of each country’s historical narrative. It’s the 9/11-inspired free-for-all hatefest against Islam, for which we can “thank” the Mossad. If things continue, none of these destroyers will suffer any consequences until Hell in the Hereafter. But in this world?? Those in power think they’ve got eternal immunity from prosecution. Their arrogance and belligerence will face consequences. And they won’t be able to go back and “fix it.” Until then, we must do what we can to stop it!

A Short Video Description of What Aya/Ayah Means

Aya means “miracle” but what is a miracle?

This short video perfectly encapsulates what I’ve tried to say in different posts and different perspectives. The Quran speaks of His ayat – meaning miracles – “in the heavens and in the earth and in yourselves” – yet people keep looking for “signs” in what are, in comparison, more like cheap tricks, something anomalous, never-before-seen, something >NEW!< to brag about. So we need to recalibrate what we think of as miracles and how we approach our lives. We need to look around us and see the beauty and astounding and amazing sky, earth, wind, people, children, animals, birds, insects, fish, water, plants, trees, everything! But I literally walk outside dumbfounded by the cloud formations and the birds, the trees, etc., and notice people coming home from work, NEVER LOOKING RIGHT OR LEFT, UP OR DOWN, just STARING AT THEIR PHONES, or sometimes just walking like zombies to their front doors and entering. There was this unbelievable sunset visible in the clouds, or birds soaring overhead, or an amazing flower they passed by, and none of it was even noticed, let alone appreciated.

Don’t forget the word aya (“ayah” is an alternate spelling, I tend to prefer to drop the “h” but this is a more recent thing) in the Quran also refers to Quranic verses. That too is an apt description of “miracle.” One only needs to read, study, or even listen to the Quran, even without understanding the Arabic, even just for the sound, to get a sense of what these ayat are all about. All we need is to look, listen, breathe, notice. Just be here/there.

Mind-Boggling: the Quran and the Eclipse Phenomenon


The total solar eclipse is one of the most stunning examples of Allah’s precision in creation. After discovering the amazing Metonic cycle, I looked further into the subject of eclipses, which, like the Metonic, also recur in another 19-year cycle, the draconic eclipse cycle. Given the significance of the number 19 in the Quran, I had to look further into this subject, In the Metonic cycle, the moon returns to where it started every 19 years to the day, and the draconic lunar cycle joins them on the same day, despite its different monthly and yearly counts. determined by its intersections with the ecliptic (named for eclipses), which are called nodes. It also connects to the Saros Cycle (explained in this post), which form centuries-long series of cycles used to predict eclipses forward and backward in time. Included in the Antikythera Mechanism, these predictions were done accurately for thousands of years, long before the advancements in knowledge and science we have today. And yes, there are stunning connections between all this and the Quran. So take a deep breath. There’s a lot to learn and it feels necessary to me to include many elements in one post to understand how absolutely stunning this is.

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How the Genocide Could Have Stopped Earlier, but Arabs/Muslims Did Nothing


Sami Hamdi clearly explains how the most horrific genocide of Palestinians could have been stopped a long time ago, but the Saudi, UAE, Turkish, and other “Muslim”/Arab regimes DECIDED NOT TO ACT in such a way as to stop it. They are responsible for this inaction and the unending horror it allowed, and we hope all people in the region wake up to this and DO SOMETHING, just as Americans and ordinary Europeans are doing something about their own regime’s role. Not all Americans, but enough to make a difference. What to do?? Just whatever you can do. Try. Work at it. With whatever Allah has given you. His retribution will also come to those complacent and deluded regimes who prefer their wealth and power to Allah’s commands and guidance.

Eid Mubarak!!


While Muslims around the world celebrate Eid Al-Adha, Gaza and Palestine are very much in Muslims’ minds and prayers. Israel has not stopped the constant bombing and Palestinians are in a state of mourning, while trying to keep up the spirits of their poor and agonized children. Israel knows no mercy, no humanity, no consideration for anything, neither international law nor the Ten Commandments. All they do is keep killing, their citizens egging on the genocidal leaders.

Eid prayers in Gaza, in the ruins of a mosque
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For Thul-Hijja, Check Out this Hajj History Post


Sometimes an article gets posted too early 🙂 and this is one of those. Besides a video of the oldest Hajj, it also includes the fascinating history of the Hajj pilgrimage to Makkah/ Mecca, and some of its surprising side benefits.

Quranic Mentions of the Sun, the Metonic Cycle, and More 


While studying the mentions of the sun in the Quran, I noticed that many of them were combined with mentions of the moon. In fact, there are significantly more mentions of the sun and moon together in the same aya than there are mentions of them separately. Not only that, but because in one aya, 41:37, where they are each mentioned twice (you could say it has 2 pairs), the count of mentions is one more than that of the suras containing them. Thus there are 20 mentions of the sun+moon as a pair in 19 suras. This relates to the Metonic Cycle where the solar and lunar cycles intersect or “meet” every 19 years exactly. And because the Quran’s structure and other elements involve the number 19 in significant ways, I found this is something that needs to be investigated further.

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